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Personal Training

From $70 per visit with Single Personal Training Session - 1 Hour pass No purchase required to enroll
Did you know...
That FIT4MOM Long Beach offers
Personal Training & Small Group Fitness Sessions?

Here are the top THREE things to know about the sessions:

1. Workouts are catered to YOU and your individual goals. Sessions can combine strength training, toning, cardio and interval-based exercises.

2. YOU choose the locations and times. (Schedule your workout to fit your life!)

3. Train solo or with a small group of 2-4 people. YOU are in control!

For availability please email shannonshondeff@fit4mom.com

To see available appointments, choose a location

Colorado Lagoon Playground Appointments available starting Tuesday

Entrance of Marine Stadium

Heartwell Park Appointments available starting Tuesday

Marine Vista Park Playground Appointments available starting Tuesday

Mother's Beach

Naples Colonnade Park

El Dorado West Park

Location will be emailed

Sports Basement

Virtual Workouts

El Dorado Duck Pond (Rainy Day Location)